Thursday, November 17, 2016

Why do Mothers commit maternal filicide?

 Some mothers in the United States do the unthinkable of committing maternal filicide which is killing a mothers child. Many mothers do this because they are mentally ill, in the article is states "Women who are convicted of infanticide there often receive probation and mental health treatment referrals rather than incarceration, according to Resnick’s report." Another motive that mothers might have to kill their mother is the child is an obstacle in her life, one line from the text that directly states this is "where a mother believes her child is a hindrance in her life". The final reason that mothers might have the motive to kill their son is because Mothers may be depressed or be suicidal and want their kids to go gown with them, am example of this would be "Judith Williams who drove her 16-year-old son to the top of Mount Diablo State Park, shot him in the back and head, and then turned the .357 revolver on herself." But despite all of these reasons mothers killing their children is still very rare and not a common occurrence.

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